Month two of collaboration with Jennifer Copeland. Next month I am going to ask Jennifer to do my chart, I can't wait! "The push for freedom, and the pull of responsibility. What needs to fall away and what needs to be held onto". That was the quote that resonated with me and use the owl coin pendant as a symbol for quiet guidance.
The theme of “Collective Awakening” ramps up this month with six major planets meeting in the sign of Aquarius. Starting on February 11th, the new moon joins Saturn, Venus, Jupiter, Mercury and the Sun. Quite the line-up!
Six planets in one sign is an unusual conjunction and the energy of the Water Bearer will be on full display. The Water Bearer pours everything out of his water jugs, nothing is held onto, making way for the new to flow in.
What is your personal outpouring? And what is Aquarius bringing in?
On a collective level, Aquarius is responsible for “flow and connection” between living beings. One could say that on our collective, world level, we are currently in a state of non-flow. How can we restore the water of life that Aquarius represents?
On February 17th, Aquarius’ modern ruler, Uranus, and its’ ancient ruler, Saturn, square off in their first of three tension-filled aspects of 2021.
The push for freedom, and the pull of responsibility. What needs to fall away and what needs to be held onto? What old structures and beliefs are no longer serving your highest potential?
Uranus is here to accelerate needed change and to help us move out of our comfort zone. And Saturn reminds of our personal responsibility and boundaries.
How can we integrate both?
This is all happening on a collective level, but will be impacting us individually depending on where Aquarius, Saturn and Uranus fall in your chart.
If you are interested in exploring this and other unique details of your chart, please reach out to @jennifercopeland1 on Instagram for a private reading.